Stop Feeling Fat and Ugly . . .
Start Feeling Beautiful, Radiant, Confident and Comfortable
In Your Own Skin!

If You've Ever Stayed Home, Kept Quiet, Held Back, Avoided Photos or Winced in Shame at Your Reflection In Store Windows, It's Time to Reclaim Your Beauty and Your Life! Read On . . .

Distorted ImageFrom: Sarah Maria, Founder and CEO, Break Free Beauty Leading the Beauty Revolution
July 28, 2008

Dear Beautiful Woman,

How often have you

. . . had a sinking feeling in your gut when you pass a full-length mirror? 

. . . secretly envied your taller, thinner friends?

. . . stayed home rather than go out because you're ashamed of how you look?

. . . felt overwhelming guilt after eating ice cream instead of some veggies?

. . . wished you could stop the insanity of never feeling good enough about your looks?

. . . wished you could feel fabulous about your own body - all the time?

You Are Not Alone!

Believe it or not, 80 to 90% of women, and a growing number of men, don't like their bodies.

And a lot of us hate our own bodies!

From five-year-olds to ninety-five-year-olds. Rich, poor. Black, white, Hispanic, Asian. Large and small; short and tall. . . Most of us can't stand how we look!

Our media and our consumer culture don't help! Instead of focusing on your brilliance or your beauty, the media tells you:

You're too fat, too ugly, too old!

You've lost your sex appeal; you dress like a slob!

You're not smart enough! You're not rich enough!

a size 6 is fat and ugly . . .! A size 16 shouldn't even show herself in public!

You must have it all, do it all, be it all. If not, you're worthless!

We've All Bought Into the Lies!

We all feel fat . . . ugly . . . not good enough!

I'm here to help you stop living this life of quiet desperation. To help you bask in the glory of your brilliance. To lead you out of the horror of self-loathing you've been living in and into the exhilarating freedom of loving the skin you're in.

Sarah Maria
Founder & CEO
Break Free Beauty

Why Listen to Me?

Because I've spent years living through that hell. I fought my way free, and I know you can too.

My name is Sarah Maria and when I was in high school, I had everything going for me. I was healthy, smart, and attractive. I was getting a great education and had limitless opportunities. I was outgoing and had many friends.

And then I went on a diet.

I was 14 years old when I decided that 500 calories per day was a reasonable amount of food to eat. Although I wasn’t overweight, I believed that being thin would make me more popular and more desirable.

I committed myself to my diet with wholehearted zeal. I measured every morsel of food that passed my lips; I meticulously counted every calorie. I exercised for hours every day and sucked on a pacifier if I ever felt hungry at night. I lost weight quickly.

Bathroom ScaleThen I began to lose my life!

I slowly began to isolate myself from my friends. I couldn’t join them when they went to out to eat. I didn’t have the energy to participate in sports or activities. My life became narrowly focused: I studied, exercised, and obsessively counted my calories.

My outgoing nature evaporated; I became inwardly focused. Being thin took all of my energy and attention.

Of course I couldn’t survive on 500 calories forever. After watching my weight plummet more than 20 pounds, I decided to relax my self-induced starvation.

Unfortunately, a starving body demands to be fed and fed abundantly. I realized with horror that I could not control what I ate. If I was not on a stringent diet, I did not know how to be at peace with my eating. I began to ruminate and worry endlessly. What if I gained weight? Did I eat too much? Did I gain weight?

Every other thought was about my body weight. And these thoughts tormented me for well over a decade.

I would eat and then purge; I would diet; I would exercise compulsively. But my fears followed me relentlessly, pursued me endlessly.

You see, I know what it's like to yearn to be thin. To be obsessed with food. Consumed by the fear of gaining weight. Frantic about everything that goes in my mouth.

I know what it's like to hate your body . . . because I've been through it myself.

I found my way out and you can too!

Sandy Frye

"Whether my weight is up or down or exactly where it should be, there are days when I just don't feel happy with my body. And frankly, I get exhausted from having to even think about it.

Sarah Maria has helped me take a vacation from this endless, often self-destructive cycle that we are all guilty of.

Her work reminds me that I am not defined by my body... and that it's perfectly okay to make peace with the wonderful inhabitant in my body that is the real me.

In fact, once I am not in conflict with my outside... I can feel my inside relax and begin to make the changes I wish to make on a long term basis.

How precious a gift -- to have someone give you the tools to love yourself... Thank you, Sarah Maria!"

Sandy Frye, Graphic Designer

Are you ready to feel beautiful and brilliant too?

You are beautiful and perfect, right now, just as you are. You are infinite beauty, creativity, and intelligence.

Are you ready to grab hold of this reality? Are you ready to stop living a limiting, disappointing, quietly desperate life and experience your beauty, brilliance and magnificence?

If you're ready . . . I've got the solution!

I've got the solution to breaking free from Negative Body Obsession.

Maybe you've never heard that term - Negative Body Obsession or NBO. But if you suffer many of the symptoms listed above, you're experiencing NBO on a daily basis.

And NBO will destroy your life.

Yes . . . the devastating chains of NBO can be broken. I did it. And now I want to show you how to do it too!

Stop Living a Lonely Tormented Life and Start Living an Abundant, Love-Filled, Compassionate Life!

After living through — and surviving — the hell of Negative Body Obsession, I created a CD Program - Love Your Body Now! - that takes you step by step through the same process I went through to overcome NBO and live a powerful, beautiful abundant life.

At only $37.00, this CD Program will give you:

Exercises you can do in the privacy of your own home that will free you from NBO.

Custom-selected music inspiring you to fight for your freedom.

Strength and courage, knowing you are not alone.

Powerful affirmations to help you discover your beauty each and every day.

Don't wait a moment longer . . . your life is too valuable!

I highly recommend Sarah Maria's program for both women and men!

"I am especially impressed by the skillful manner in which Sarah Maria weaves essential factors of health and well being with a wise series of exercises which allow the listener to both think and practice these ideas.

The tone of her voice is at once soothing and reassuring, coaxing the audience towards patience and perseverance. In our modern world with such emphasis on the narrative of the 'perfect body', there is such a need for a counter narrative which encourages health, vitality, and self compassion."

JoAnn A. DePetro, MA, MFT
Founder/Co-director: The Center for Family Solutions
Adjunct Professor: JFK University, Graduate Clinical Psychology

Once Negative Body Obsession is wiped out of your life, you'll experience a whole new way of living and being:

Increased Energy and Stamina to Do the Things You Want to Do!

Remember the strength and the power you felt in your body as a 7-year-old child? The absolute exhilaration in your body and what you could do? NBO took that pure joy away. And you can have it back by ridding yourself of this condition that has horrific consequences for your health.

Greater Intimacy, Closeness and Love!

Obsessing about your body has shut you off from some of the people you'd like to be the closest to. And yes we mean sexual love as well as friendships and family love! After conquering NBO, an ocean of love, intimacy and closeness will open for you.

Banish Anxiety and Live in Peace!

When you love and accept your body and yourself, you'll experience unimaginable peace. You'll no longer feel inadequate, disappointed and disatisfied with yourself. You'll cultivate gratitude, love and respect and live with peace instead of anxiety.

Experience Great Joy and Enthusiasm for Life!

You've been holding yourself back haven't you? Sometimes you don't go out, or you don't speak up, or you don't participate . . . all because you don't like how you look. You've been cutting yourself off from the great joy of life. Stop the suffering! End the negative obsession with your body and participate fully in the life you deserve!

Find Great Love!

You deserve great love. And NBO is a nasty thief that steals love from us. Once you learn how to catch this thief, a world of love and abundance will open up for you.

Banish the Loneliness!

Negative Body Obsession forces you to cut yourself off from those you love. When you get rid of NBO, your intimate connections with others blossom in wonderful new ways that give you strength, nourishment and sustenance.

My $500 Personal Guarantee


I feel so strongly about the power of this CD program to change your life, that I offer this iron-clad guarantee . . .

If you listen to the entire CD, complete all the exercises and still experience no relief, I will give you a FREE 60-minute personal body-image consultation, normally sold for $500!

Sarah Maria

I Am So Thankful for Sarah Maria's Program!

"I have listened to it several times so far, and each time it does a little more healing work in my heart and life.

Since listening to your CD, I find myself considering the choices I make regarding my body, and reflecting about caring for myself. Your voice and the soft background music are so soothing.

Since the first time I listened to your CD it has really made sense to me, how our bodies are our babies, and we must love and nurture them in healthy ways. Thinking like that makes it a pleasure to do what is right for my health instead of a deprivation.

I just wanted to say thank you. I would highly recommend your CD to anyone who has an issue with self esteem in any area of their life. I am looking forward to the next one too."

Jane — A Satisfied Client

DVDYou Deserve to Live a Life of Beauty, Energy
and Vitality!

Invest in Yourself Today and
Start Living the
Life of Your Dreams

Only $37

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