Body Beautiful Ezine


October 13, 2009

Published weekly. If you do not already receive this E-zine and would like to, simply enter your name and email address in our Signup Box located in the right-hand column of our main website

A Note From Sarah Maria
Dear Friend,

I received a request after last week’s e-zine to discuss in more detail about the changing of seasons and why this can create a sense of loneliness or general instability. This is particularly true for the transition from summer to fall.

According to the ancient system of Ayurveda, seasons reflect predominant doshas. There are three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Doshas are comprised of the five elements – ether, air, water, fire, and earth. Vata consists of ether and air. Pitta consists of water and fire. Kapha consists of water and earth. Vata is associate with movement, a reflection of the ether and air. Pitta with intensity, a reflection of the fire element. Kapha consists of stability because of the earth element.

These doshas are seen throughout everything in the created world. These doshas are present in human beings and in nature. The seasons are also associated with doshas. Fall is Vata season. Summer is Pitta season. Winter and Spring are Kapha seasons. Vata is aggravated whenever the seasons change because Vata is the principle of movement and the changing of seasons reflects this movement. Since Fall is a Vata season, the sensation of movement or the sensation of lack of being grounded is most evident at this time. This can create a sense of loneliness and a general sense of feeling out of sorts.

If you find that this happens to you during the change in seasons, here are some quick Ayurvedic tips to help you regain your balance:

1.   Warm sesame oil massage

The tradition of Ayurveda teaches that warm sesame oil can help to balance Vata. Give yourself a gentle massage with warm sesame oil before your shower. This helps to calm the movement and bring a sense of calmness and stability.

2.   Cooked, warm, moist foods

Fall is the perfect time to eat less raw food and more warm, cooked, well-spiced foods. Traditional fall fare, such as sweet potatoes are a wonderful balancing food.

3.   Relaxation

Relaxation is incredibly healing and balancing for Vata. Take a walk outside, get a massage, treat yourself to a hot bath, curl up with a good book – whatever helps you relax and rejuvenate.

4.   Friends and family

Whenever you are feeling isolated or unstable, it is the perfect opportunity to connect with friends and loved ones and rejuvenate yourself with the warmth of loving relationships.

Please be patient, my loyal e-zine subscribers, with my book promotion because I am going to keep mentioning it in coming editions of this newsletter, as new subscribers join every day. Love Your Body, Love Your Life is currently available for purchase.  You will be the first to know about the amazing bonus gifts and prizes that will be part of the official “Amazon” campaign on Nov. 3rd. Check out for the holding page. Trust me – there are going to be some wonderful gifts that you will love. If you happen to read the book and find it helpful, please write a review on Every bit of support and feedback helps!

As always, please post any questions or comments to my blog at

Also, I would love to have you join me on Twitter and Facebook as well:

BTW, thank you for your kind emails – I always love to hear how you are doing and what you are learning!

Read below for Part II of last week’s article.  Also, please remember to check out the wonderful books and events below. There are so many amazing resources to help you transform your life – take advantage of these gifts of health, healing, and abundance.
Peace, Love, Beauty,


Sarah Maria 
Feature Article
Your 7 Steps to Start Feeling Beautiful... TODAY!
This week's article is a continuation. Read Steps 1-3 here.

4.  Learn to Meditate

Meditation is the mental equivalent to brushing your teeth. This means that it is an essential and indispensable daily activity designed to help rest and rejuvenate your body, cleanse your psyche, awaken your spirit, and help you live a life that you love. A daily meditation practice will literally help to cleanse and heal your mind, which is the root of all suffering. It will actually serve to help purify your mind from the delusional thought-constructs that you have been identifying throughout this article.

Meditation itself can be easy and effortless, you must simply make it a habit. Once it is a habit, you no longer have to think about it, just like you don’t have to think about brushing your teeth. Make meditation a part of your daily routine and you will be amazed at how your life is transformed on every level.  

5.  Befriend Your Body

This step means exactly what it says: befriend your body – make your body your friend, not your enemy. This sounds simple and obvious. Yet the fact remains that for many people, if not most, the relationship with the body is at best neutral, and in many cases that of foe or enemy. Your human body is your greatest friend, your truest ally, your unwavering support. Your body has one job that it carries out endlessly – to keep you alive and as healthy as possible.

Unfortunately, most people view their bodies as the problem. We have been taught that the body must be controlled, subjugated, and forced to surrender to the mind. This erroneous orientation creates a whole slew of mental and physical problems. This myth must be uprooted and replaced with the fact of the matter – your body is your greatest friend and indispensable ally on this journey through life. Treat it with reverence, love, and respect. Begin to honor your body with love, affection, and appreciation, and you will be amazed by its magnificence.

6.  Discover Your Purpose

Do you wake up each morning excited to begin your day? Do you feel like you are living for purpose, on purpose, and with a purpose? Is your life imbued with a sense of meaning and satisfaction? Or are you struggling with depression, apathy, and perhaps a gnawing sense of meaninglessness?

Studies have shown that living with a  sense of purpose improves your health and well-being on many levels. Having a sense of purpose can enhance your mood and enrich your life.

Fortunately, living with a sense of purpose doesn’t have to be anything dramatic, such as switching careers, or starting a non-profit. Living with purpose can be as simple as smiling at everyone you meet, setting an intention to react with compassion and love instead of anger, or making sure to tell your friends and loved ones how much you care about them.

Ultimately, living with purpose has much more to do with who you are rather than what you do. Become someone who radiates love, compassion, and beauty out into the world. Your energy will then have a purpose in and of itself – sending peace, love, and beauty to everyone you meet.

7.  Unleash Your Inner Joy, Relish Your Inner Peace, Experience Absolute Love, and Revel in Your Own Beauty
This last step is unique from the preceding six in that it is both a step you can take and the effortless result or by-product of the previous six steps. Let me explain:

Joy, Peace, and Love are your natural state. I know, this might sound crazy. “What are you talking about?” you exclaim. “My natural state seems harried, restless, stressed, over-worked, and over-whelmed!” Yes, I completely understand. Yet, the fact remains that Joy, Peace, and Love are your natural state, and anything else is simply a layering on, a perceived experience that is momentarily eclipsing your natural state from view.

As you consistently practice the steps outlined above, you will begin to experience more and more of your natural state. Instead of having momentary and fleeting glimpses of Joy, Peace, and Love in your life, these attributes will come more and more into the forefront of your awareness. You will gradually become more aware of this and less aware of the states of anxiety, restlessness, insecurity, frustration, etc. that characterize many people’s lives.

You can also take an active role in bringing these qualities to the forefront of your awareness by consistently differentiating between lies and truth. Lies are anything – thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors -  that reinforce the story that you somehow need to change in order to experience your inherent beauty and perfection. Truth is anything that affirms your inherent beauty, perfection, and lovability. As you go throughout your day, gently remind yourself of the truth, using every situation as an opportunity to wake up to the perfection that you already are and already have inside of you. By making this a habit, you will begin to regularly experience the joy, peace, and love that is your birthright.

So that is it – 7 Simple Steps. 7 simple steps to start feeling beautiful, right now, in this moment. You don’t have to go anywhere or do anything to experience the Beauty that you already are. In fact, there is nothing you can do, say, or buy that will make you any more perfect, any more beautiful, or any more desirable than you are in this very moment. For what you are, what you have been, and what you will be, is inherently beautiful, and will always remain forever whole, perfect, and complete. Simply know this and you will revel endlessly in the very Beauty that you desire.
What I'm Reading
Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason
by Caroline Myss
Defy Gravityt

New York Times best-selling author Caroline Myss draws from her years as a medical intuitive to show that healing is not only physical; it is also a mystical phenomenon that transcends reason.

In Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, Caroline introduces a model of healing that explores the relationship between our seven shadow passions and our seven inner graces.

This knowledge holds the key to understanding what it means to defy gravity and break through the boundaries of ordinary thought where you can heal any illness, channel grace, and live fearlessly.

Also, when you purchase Defy Gravity today, you will receive a free 2-hour exclusive Seminar download by Caroline Myss.

For additional details click here to find out how you can Defy Gravity.

The Power of Giving
by Azim Jamal and Harvey McKinnon
The Power of Giving

You can have greater happiness... Better health... More wealth.
And they will come to you from a surprising source!  Research shows that “giving” can bring you each of these benefits and much more.

In Azim Jamal and Harvey McKinnon's new book The Power of Giving, you will learn how to improve your life- and in the process improve the lives of others.

Wayne Dyer calls it: “Very inspiring”.
Jack Canfield says “Give it to everyone you love.”

I encourage you to pick up your copy of this inspiring book now and receive dozens of valuable downloadable giveaways immediately. Also, when you purchase your copy of The Power of Giving: How Giving Back Enriches Us All, 100% of author royalties go to charities.  

The Power of Giving will help give you more of what you desire. For details visit The Power of Giving

Nuts & Bolts Spirituality, Waking up the Sleepwalkers
by Richard D. Blackstone
Nuts And Bolts Spirituality

Richard Blackstone's award winning book Nuts & Bolts Spirituality: Waking up the Sleepwalkers opens your awareness of three key concepts:

A deep understanding of ‘who you really are.’ 2) A deep understanding of the immutable laws of the universe that govern all of creation, and 3) A deep understanding of how to create and manifest whatever you desire into your life.

It is the perfect guide for anyone who is hoping to make sense out of the onslaught of spiritual material coming our way. It is easy to follow, perfect in its style, FUN TO READ, and just plain amazing.  No matter what you're level of 'understanding' or whatever you personal goal for searching for such a book, Nuts and Bolts Spirituality will lead you into the realm of understanding and connection to source, authentically, more than ever.

With your purchase of Nuts & Bolts Spirituality, you will also receive thousands of dollars in free bonus gifts including access to Richard Blackstone’s acclaimed “Total Wellness in Mind, Body & Spirit” course worth $395.  Be sure to check out the website and see if this is an investment that serves you.

When you get to the website please take a moment and acknowledge the feeling of love that you are surrounded in.  Visit: Nuts And Bolts Spirituality

Forget Your Troubles
by Evelyn Brooks
Forget Your Troubles

Got stress?  Get relief with Evelyn Brooks' great new book: "Forget Your Troubles: Enjoy Your Life Today" and its life-changing 5-step S.M.A.R.T. formula. Evelyn Brooks is launching her stress relief book with one-day-only bonus gifts from bestselling authors who share her goal of helping you attract success, prosperity and happiness.

Learn how to stop stress in its tracks and get happy right NOW!

Purchase this book today, then claim your valuable gifts.

Don't miss out on transforming your life with this powerhouse book -- it costs less than a pizza (and lasts a lot longer!). 

Happy Reading!

What's New
Love Fest: 
Discover How the Power of Love
Can Shift Anything in Your Life
Self Love FestI am excited to invite you to join me for an exciting event where I am a featured speaker. The first-ever Self-Love Fest, is a teleseminar series created by women for women to embrace their magnificence and bring more joy, wealth, health and love into their lives.

For one fabulous month, ten of the world’s top experts in the field of personal transformation have been gathered together to teach you how to embody Self-Love in every area of your life and experience the highest vision of your best life.

I will be joined with the best and brightest coaches/authors/teachers who have overcome major obstacles and will share their life transforming inspiration.

Have you ever considered that EVERY major teaching tradition espouses the power of LOVE?  
No matter what the challenge or question, LOVE has been taught as the answer.

Mark your calendar:
October 20th - November 19th, 2009

And what is even more incredible (besides the outstanding line-up of speakers) is that you can attend the live calls at no cost.  During this life changing teleseminar series, you will learn about the power of self-love and how to heal and improve your relationships, life purpose, body image, financial freedom, home environment, sexuality, business, and even overcome addictions.

You will learn to move forward in every area of your life simply by learning to love yourself more!

Be sure to attend this historic event:  Register Today for the "Self Love Fest"

This event will truly make a positive difference in your life.  Get signed up today to gain access to the bridge line.
About Sarah Maria

Sarah Maria is the author of Love Your Body, Love Your Life. The book outlines her 5-step process for helping you feel great in and about your body and yourself. Her work embraces the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, so that true and lasting healing can occur. Click here to purchase your copy and begin to love your body today. To learn more about Sarah Maria and her work, you can visit her website at and

Sarah Maria is a body-image expert and teacher who can help you discover the beauty that you already are so that you can create a body and a life that you truly love.
She has studied with the leading experts in health, spirituality, personal development, and success, including Deepak Chopra, physician Dr. David Simon (co-founder of the Chopra Center for Well-being in Carlsbad, CA), Dr. Wayne Dyer, Jack Canfield, renowned Ayurvedic physician Vasant Lad, and many others. She is a lover of eastern philosophy and spiritual wisdom and passionately shares these teachings that have so transformed her own life.

Before founding Break Free Beauty, Sarah Maria received her law degree from Stanford University and her Master's in International Affairs from Columbia University in NYC. She has lived and traveled throughout Latin America, and has also visited many countries around the world. Her greatest passion is helping people discover the beauty and the greatness that resides inside so they can live from this place of grandeur, transforming themselves and the world.

© 2009 Break Free Beauty by Sarah Maria. All Rights Reserved.