"My mission is to empower people of all ages, races, and body sizes to embrace the body they have been given and learn to love themselves so they can live their dreams."
-Sarah Maria

Sarah Maria's Bio >>>


"Working with Sarah Maria has helped me to see that I am inherently loveable, beautiful, and valuable, no matter what. She has given me tools and techniques to break free from self-hatred and put love in its place. I am incredibly grateful for her and her incredible program. I recommend this book for anyone who wants to love her body and lover her life."

-Gabrielle Forleo, age twenty-six

Program Consultant,

Chopra Center for Wellbeing


"Sarah Maria's teachings are an amazing gift. It's an outstanding program that has changed my life! I highly recommend Sarah Maria's program to anyone who wants to experience living their most successful, beautiful life."

-Mary Schmidt, age forty-five


"Sarah Maria has shared many tools with me. But much more important to me, and what has been most meaningful, has been her quality of compassion. It is a gift and is like a gentle, deep awakening. Sarah Maria is a remarkable individual who works with the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual person. I cannot thank her in a way that seems adequate"

-Leigh Ann Jones, age fifty-four

More client testimonials >>>

Love Your Body, Love Your Life
Break Free from Negative Body Obsession and Unleash the Power of Your Potential


News & Story Ideas

The following are suggestions of story ideas. Sarah Maria can also speak on a number of topics regarding holistic health, self-esteem and body-loathing issues, Yoga, Ayurveda, and meditation. Please contact her with specific requests.

What Are We Doing to Our Daughters? In a culture of stick-thin models, our young adolescents are embarking on a dangerous path of dieting, bingeing, and purging. Sarah Maria can discuss the signs that your child is in danger and practical psychological exercises that can help.

Self-hatred May be Killing You: Self-hatred and body-loathing are not only difficult emotionally. They also have specific ramifications for your physical health: immune system, digestion, heart health, etc. Sarah Maria can discuss those health implications as well as tips to turn self-hatred into self-appreciation.

No Such Thing as Ugly: Our culture has defined beauty pretty narrowly: thin, young, toned, and perfect. But how has history defined beauty? Other cultures? Sarah Maria can discuss alternative definitions of beauty and how we might promote them in the US for a healthier society.

Find Your Truth and Stick to It: Learn how to hold your own against cultural perceptions of beauty. Discover how to find what is true for you and believe it. Find out how to combat the media onslaught that we are faced with every day.

Will OCD Destroy Your Family? OCD sufferers aren't the only ones affected by the disease. It also takes a huge toll on families and other relationships. Sarah Maria can talk about the difficult dynamics surrounding OCD and will offer tips to cope and preserve relationships.

Helping Your Lover Love Her Body: Women are notorious for being critical of the bodies their men love. Sarah Maria offers tips to guys to help their women feel beautiful and loved.

What if Your Lover Doesn't Love Your Body? What to do if the man in your life is critical of your body? Sarah Maria will talk about navigating this thorny issue, navigating the relationship while maintaining your self-esteem.

 Body-Image Coaching