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Hear Sarah Maria on VoiceAmerica Radio!

"My mission is to empower people of all ages, races and body sizes to embrace the body they have been given and learn to love themselves in a way that gives them the freedom to fly."
-Sarah Maria

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Love Your Body, Live Your Life
Break Free from Negative Body Obsession and Unleash the Power of Your Potential
Body Image & You

Body Image in Young Adults

Moving out of the teenage years and into adulthood can be exciting, challenging and frightening all at the same time. Independence and total responsibility for food, exercise and health choices are thrust upon young adults when they enter the "real world".

While living at home, most teens relied on their parents or school for their meals and an exercise routine. For many, college is the first time they have full control over the diet and exercise regimes. All college students have heard of the "Freshman 15", where unhealthy eating and excessive drinking lead to unwanted weight gain. The newfound stress of college life and unhealthy lifestyle habits lead to disordered eating for many college-age women.

After college, there are a number of other challenges that women face regarding their bodies. Stressful jobs and motherhood can make balancing work and life challenging, and body-loathing seems like a rite of passage into adulthood for many women.

So how can you strive to maintain a positive body image in today's stress filled world?

  • Learn to love yourself
    Women should realize that there is no perfect body type. People come in all shapes, sizes and forms. Acknowledge the negative feelings that you have about your body and then move on to inventory those positive things that you do like about yourself. Train yourself to counteract each negative thought with three positive affirmations.
  • Seek positive support
    Surround yourself with supportive and positive friends. Friends and support are usually easy to find when in college or school. But outside of the bubble of college life, making connections can be harder. Co-workers and members of clubs, groups or associations can also make great friends. It is also useful to go outside of your normal social circle by joining new clubs, finding a women's or mother's group or looking for new connections online.
  • Seek counseling, if necessary
    If you are constantly preoccupied with your body, diet or exercise routine, considering seeking professional help. This can be as simple as joining a local weight loss or exercise group. A coaching experience will often help you reach the root of your food issues, while keeping you accountable. But if your needs are more personal or run deeper, you should contact a therapist or counselor, who can work closely with you to help you resolve any longstanding issues.
  • Enjoy a healthy lifestyle
    If you eat a nutritious, balanced diet and make exercise a priority, you can't help but to feel better physically and emotionally. Focus on how you feel rather than what your scale is saying. Challenge yourself continually by enrolling in a cooking class or joining the local Zumba class.
  • Take time for yourself
    Due to the demands of school, work and family lives, many young women began to put the world first and themselves second. It is so important to take time out to take care of yourself. Start with a 30 minute walk around the block with your iPod or go to the salon for a new haircut. By taking care of yourself, you will be able to better take care of those around you.
  • Learn to meditate
    Learning to meditate will not only help you manage stress, but it will also help you learn to identify negative patterns and make healthier and more evolutionary choices.

As women, we crave connections and interaction. Too often we can replace these cravings with the temporary solution of food. As a young woman learns to balance home life, work life and social life, the lessons she learns about self-care are ones that will last her a lifetime. Remember, let food feed your body and love feed your soul!


A Body to Love by Tracy Gaudet, MD


Love Your Body Inside and Out


Body Image Ahealthyme.com

Learning to Love Your Body
Momscape: The Women?s Magazine for Mothers


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